The harrowing life of a loco pilot: No time to eat and sleep

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The recent spate of railway accidents has brought considerable attention to loco pilots, the professionals who drive India’s trains. Railway officials have been quick to blame these staffers for the accidents, both on recent occasions, as well as earlier ones.

But as Nolina Minj learnt, reporting from Jharkhand, loco pilots endure immense levels of exhaustion and stress in the course of their work. Given that their jobs are physically and mentally taxing, there are strict rules about the rest they should receive – but these rules are rarely followed. So much so that many loco pilots said they struggle to find time to eat, sleep and even use the toilet.

“Loco pilots aren’t guaranteed as essential an amenity as washrooms inside their cabins and instead must often forgo water to avoid using washrooms,” Minj said. “As Indians, we like to take pride in our country’s railway network being one of the largest in the world. But it is utterly shameful that it is running, as one loco pilot said, on the blood, sweat and tears of its loco pilots.”

She added, “They deserve better and so does the Indian public.”

You can read the story here.

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Ajay Krishnan,
Senior Editor

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